
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back on the Wagon?

It's been just about a year since the last post. So, after a very long break, I finally feel "caught up" enough to post. As I'm hiding in the cool house from the heat of the day, I'm watching the inventions of boredom come to life. Tent's made of blankets and pillows are forming, a magazine sits shredded on the floor, and I'm trying to think up crafty indoor projects for the day, since we all agree it it just too hot outside. Since our summer project is to memorize the Beatitudes, we've picked one to do a project with today. A news paper, a Highlights magazine, some crayons and glue and we're finding the words to the verse and pasting them on our "poster" for the week. We're making a big old mess, but we're doing it together, and learning as we go. If I get really brave we might just break out that recipe for the homemade finger paint....